CYBT-243053-02, EZ-BT Module
General Description
The CYBT-243053-02 is a dual-mode Bluetooth BR/EDR and Low Energy wireless module solution. The CYBT-243053-02 includes
an onboard crystal oscillator, passive components, and the Cypress CYW20820 silicon device.
The CYBT-243053-02 supports a number of peripheral functions (ADC, PWM), as well as multiple serial communication protocols
(UART, SPI, I2C, I2S/PCM). The CYBT-243053-02 includes a royalty-free stack compatible with Bluetooth 5.0 in a 12.0 × 16.61 ×
1.70 mm module form-factor.
The CYBT-243053-02 includes 256 KB of on-chip flash memory and is designed for standalone operation. The CYBT-243053-02 uses
an integrated power amplifier to achieve Class I or Class II output power capability.
The CYBT-243053-02 includes an integrated PCB trace antenna, is qualified by Bluetooth SIG, and includes regulatory certification
approval for FCC, ISED, MIC, and CE.
Module Description
■ Module size: 12.00 mm × 16.61 mm × 1.70 mm
■ Complies with Bluetooth Core Specification version 5.0 and
includes support for BR, EDR 2/3 Mbps, eSCO, Bluetooth LE,
LE 2 Mbps, as well as Bluetooth Mesh.
❐ Declaration ID: TBD
■ Certified to FCC, ISED, MIC, and CE standards
■ 256-KB on-chip Flash, 176-KB on-chip RAM
■ Industrial temperature range: –30 °C to +85 °C
■ Integrated Arm® Cortex®-M4 microprocessor core with
floating point unit (FPU)
RF Characteristics
■ Maximum TX output power: +10.5 dBm
■ Bluetooth LE RX Receive Sensitivity: –94.5 dBm
Power Consumption
■ TX current consumption
❐ Bluetooth LE silicon: 22 mA (radio only, 10.5 dBm)
■ RX current consumption
❐ Bluetooth silicon: 5.9 mA (radio only)
■ Cypress CYW20820 silicon low power mode support
❐ PDS: 16.5 μA with 176 KB RAM retention
❐ ePDS: 8.7 μA
❐ HIDOFF (wake on external or timed interrupt): 1.75 μA
Functional Capabilities
■ Up to 22 GPIOs
■ I2C, I2S, UART, and PCM interfaces
■ Two Quad-SPI interfaces
■ Auxiliary ADC with up to 15 analog channels
■ Programmable key scan 20 × 8 matrix
■ General-purpose timers and six PWMs
■ Real-time clock (RTC) and watchdog timers (WDT)
■ Bluetooth Basic Rate (BR) and Enhanced Data Rate (EDR)
■ Bluetooth LE protocol stack supporting generic access profile
(GAP) Central, Peripheral, Observer, or Broadcaster roles
CYBT-243053-02 is fully integrated and certified solution that
provides all necessary components required to operate
Bluetooth communication standards.
■ Proven hardware design ready to use
■ Ultra-flexible supermux I/O design allows maximum flexibility
for GPIO function assignment
■ Over-the-air update capable for development or field updates
■ Bluetooth SIG qualified.
■ ModusToolbox™ provides an easy-to-use integrated design
environment (IDE) to configure, develop, program, and test
your Bluetooth application