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5SGA30J4505 数据表 (PDF) - ABB

5SGA30J4505 Datasheet PDF - ABB
部件名 5SGA30J4505
下载  5SGA30J4505 下载

文件大小   238.91 Kbytes
  10 Pages
制造商  ABB [ABB]
网页  http://www.abb.com
标志 ABB - ABB
功能描述 Asymmetric Gate turn-off Thyristor

5SGA30J4505 Datasheet (PDF)

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5SGA30J4505 Datasheet PDF - ABB

部件名 5SGA30J4505
下载  5SGA30J4505 Click to download

文件大小   238.91 Kbytes
  10 Pages
制造商  ABB [ABB]
网页  http://www.abb.com
标志 ABB - ABB
功能描述 Asymmetric Gate turn-off Thyristor

5SGA30J4505 数据表 (HTML) - ABB

5SGA30J4505 Datasheet HTML 1Page - ABB 5SGA30J4505 Datasheet HTML 2Page - ABB 5SGA30J4505 Datasheet HTML 3Page - ABB 5SGA30J4505 Datasheet HTML 4Page - ABB 5SGA30J4505 Datasheet HTML 5Page - ABB 5SGA30J4505 Datasheet HTML 6Page - ABB 5SGA30J4505 Datasheet HTML 7Page - ABB 5SGA30J4505 Datasheet HTML 8Page - ABB 5SGA30J4505 Datasheet HTML 9Page - ABB 5SGA30J4505 Datasheet HTML 10Page - ABB

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关于 ABB

ABB is a multinational corporation headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. ABB is a technology leader in electrification products, robotics and motion, industrial automation, and power grids, serving customers in utilities, industry, and transport & infrastructure globally.

ABB has a wide range of products and services, including power and automation technologies, which help customers to improve energy efficiency, productivity, and safety. ABB's products include transformers, switchgear, motors, drives, robotics, and various other automation products. The company also provides services such as maintenance, retrofits, and digital solutions to help customers optimize their operations.

ABB has a presence in more than 100 countries, with over 100,000 employees worldwide. The company was founded in 1988 through the merger of ASEA AB and BBC Brown Boveri AG.




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