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EPM5064JC-1 数据表 (PDF) - Altera Corporation

EPM5064JC-1 Datasheet PDF - Altera Corporation
部件名 EPM5064JC-1
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文件大小   831.42 Kbytes
  36 Pages
制造商  ALTERA [Altera Corporation]
网页  http://www.altera.com
标志 ALTERA - Altera Corporation
功能描述 Programmable Logic Device Family

EPM5064JC-1 Datasheet (PDF)

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EPM5064JC-1 Datasheet PDF - Altera Corporation

部件名 EPM5064JC-1
下载  EPM5064JC-1 Click to download

文件大小   831.42 Kbytes
  36 Pages
制造商  ALTERA [Altera Corporation]
网页  http://www.altera.com
标志 ALTERA - Altera Corporation
功能描述 Programmable Logic Device Family

EPM5064JC-1 数据表 (HTML) - Altera Corporation

EPM5064JC-1 产品详情

General Description

The MAX 5000 family combines innovative architecture and advanced process technologies to offer optimum performance, flexibility, and the highest logic-to-pin ratio of any general-purpose programmable logic device (PLD) family. The MAX 5000 family provides 600 to 3,750 usable gates, pin-to-pin delays as fast as 15 ns, and counter frequencies of up to 83.3 MHz.


■ Advanced Multiple Array MatriX (MAX) 5000 architecture combining speed and ease-of-use of PAL devices with the density of programmable gate arrays

■ Complete family of high-performance, erasable CMOS EPROM EPLDs for designs ranging from fast 28-pin address decoders to 100-pin LSI custom peripherals

■ 600 to 3,750 usable gates (see Table 1)

■ Fast, 15-ns combinatorial delays and 83.3-MHz counter frequencies

■ Configurable expander product-term distribution allowing more than 32 product terms in a single macrocell

■ 28 to 100 pins available in DIP, J-lead, PGA, SOIC, and QFP packages

■ Programmable registers providing D, T, JK, and SR flipflop functionality with individual clear, preset, and clock controls

■ Programmable security bit for protection of proprietary designs

■ Software design support featuring Altera’s MAX+PLUS II development system on 486- or Pentium-based PCs, and Sun SPARCstation, HP 9000 Series 700, and IBM RISC System/6000 workstations

■ Programming support with Altera’s Master Programming Unit (MPU) or programming hardware from other manufacturers

■ Additional design entry and simulation support provided by EDIF, LPM, Verilog HDL, VHDL, and other interfaces to popular EDA tools from manufacturers such as Cadence, Data I/O, Exemplar, Mentor Graphics, MINC, OrCAD, Synopsys, VeriBest, and Viewlogic


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关于 Altera Corporation

Altera Corporation是美国可编程逻辑设备(PLD)的美国制造商,可重新配置的复杂数字电路。它是在2015年被英特尔公司收购的,现在是英特尔的子公司。






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