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SC16C2550BIA44 数据表 (PDF) - NXP Semiconductors

部件名 SC16C2550BIA44
功能描述  5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V dual UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.), with 16-byte FIFOs
文件大小   221.11 Kbytes
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制造商  NXP [NXP Semiconductors]
网页  http://www.nxp.com
标志 NXP - NXP Semiconductors

SC16C2550BIA44 数据表 (PDF) - NXP Semiconductors

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类似零件编号 - SC16C2550BIA44

NXP Semiconductors
SC16C2550BIA44 PHILIPS-SC16C2550BIA44 Datasheet
200Kb / 42P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V dual UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.), with 16-byte FIFOs
Rev. 02-14 December 2004
SC16C2550BIA44 PHILIPS-SC16C2550BIA44 Datasheet
211Kb / 43P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V dual UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.), with 16-byte FIFOs
Rev. 04-15 February 2007
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类似说明 - SC16C2550BIA44

NXP Semiconductors
SC16C2550B PHILIPS-SC16C2550B_07 Datasheet
211Kb / 43P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V dual UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.), with 16-byte FIFOs
Rev. 04-15 February 2007
SC16C2552B NXP-SC16C2552B Datasheet
188Kb / 38P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V dual UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.), with 16-byte FIFOs
Rev. 03-12 February 2009
SC16C2550B PHILIPS-SC16C2550B Datasheet
200Kb / 42P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V dual UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.), with 16-byte FIFOs
Rev. 02-14 December 2004
SC16C554B PHILIPS-SC16C554B Datasheet
253Kb / 51P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V quad UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.) with 16-byte FIFOs
Rev. 01-9 February 2005
SC16C554BIB80-T NXP-SC16C554BIB80-T Datasheet
1Mb / 58P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V quad UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.) with 16-byte FIFOs
Rev. 4-8 June 2010
SC16C554B NXP-SC16C554B_10 Datasheet
1Mb / 58P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V quad UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.) with 16-byte FIFOs
Rev. 4-8 June 2010
SC16C752B PHILIPS-SC16C752B Datasheet
225Kb / 47P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V dual UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.), with 64-byte FIFOs
Rev. 03-14 December 2004
SC16C752B NXP-SC16C752B Datasheet
226Kb / 47P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V dual UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.), with 64-byte FIFOs
Rev. 05-2 October 2008
SC16C754B PHILIPS-SC16C754B Datasheet
259Kb / 50P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V quad UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.) with 64-byte FIFOs
Rev. 02-13 June 2005
SC16C754B NXP-SC16C754B Datasheet
252Kb / 51P
   5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V quad UART, 5 Mbit/s (max.) with 64-byte FIFOs
Rev. 04-6 October 2008
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