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AM29F400B-1 数据表(PDF) 5 Page - Advanced Micro Devices |
AM29F400B-1 数据表(HTML) 5 Page - Advanced Micro Devices |
5 / 9 page Am29F400B Known Good Die 5 SU PP L E ME NT ORDERING INFORMATION Standard Products AMD standard products are available in several packages and operating ranges. The order number (Valid Combination) is formed by a combination of the following: Valid Combinations Valid Combinations list configurations planned to be sup- ported in volume for this device. Consult the local AMD sales office to confirm availability of specific valid combinations and to check on newly released combinations. Am29F400B DEVICE NUMBER/DESCRIPTION Am29F400B Known Good Die 4 Megabit (512 K x 8-Bit/256 K x 16-Bit) CMOS Flash Memory—Die Revision 1 5.0 Volt-only Program and Erase -75 SPEED OPTION See Valid Combinations PACKAGE TYPE AND MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY DP = Waffle Pack 180 die per 5 tray stack DG = Gel-Pak® Die Tray 378 die per 6 tray stack DT = Surftape™ (Tape and Reel) 1800 per 7-inch reel DW= Gel-Pak® Wafer Tray (sawn wafer on frame) Call AMD sales office for minimum order quantity TEMPERATURE RANGE C = Commercial (0 °C to +70°C) I= Industrial (–40 °C to +85°C) E = Extended (–55 °C to +125°C) DP C 1 DIE REVISION This number refers to the specific AMD manufacturing process and product technology reflected in this document. It is entered in the revision field of AMD standard product nomenclature. T BOOT CODE SECTOR ARCHITECTURE T = Top sector B = Bottom sector Valid Combinations Am29F400BT-75 Am29F400BB-75 DPC 1, DPI 1, DPE 1, DGC 1, DGI 1, DGE 1, DTC 1, DTI 1, DTE 1, DWC 1, DWI 1, DWE 1 Am29F400BT-90 Am29F400BB-90 Am29F400BT-120 Am29F400BB-120 |
类似零件编号 - AM29F400B-1 |
类似说明 - AM29F400B-1 |
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