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AS1925-BSTT-D07 数据表 (PDF) - ams AG

AS1925-BSTT-D07 Datasheet PDF - ams AG
部件名 AS1925-BSTT-D07
下载  AS1925-BSTT-D07 下载

文件大小   340.64 Kbytes
  12 Pages
制造商  AMSCO [ams AG]
网页  http://www.ams.com
标志 AMSCO - ams AG
功能描述 Ultra-Low Voltage Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit with Manual Reset

AS1925-BSTT-D07 Datasheet (PDF)

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AS1925-BSTT-D07 Datasheet PDF - ams AG

部件名 AS1925-BSTT-D07
下载  AS1925-BSTT-D07 Click to download

文件大小   340.64 Kbytes
  12 Pages
制造商  AMSCO [ams AG]
网页  http://www.ams.com
标志 AMSCO - ams AG
功能描述 Ultra-Low Voltage Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit with Manual Reset

AS1925-BSTT-D07 数据表 (HTML) - ams AG

AS1925-BSTT-D07 产品详情

General Description

The AS1925/AS1926 microprocessor supervisory circuits were designed to assert a single reset if the monitored supply voltage drops below its reset threshold or if the manual reset is activated. The reset remains asserted for a fixed timeout delay after VCC has risen above the reset threshold and the manual reset is deas serted.

Their small size, excellent circuit reliability, and low supply current (3.5µA) make the AS1925/AS1926 a very low cost solution by eliminating external components and adjustments when used with low-voltage (+0.9 to +1.5V) systems.

Key Features

Factory-Trimmed Reset Thresholds for Monitoring Supplies from 0.9 to 1.5V

Low Power Consumption: 3.5µA

Reset Threshold Accuracy Over Temperature: ±2.5%

Four Timeout Periods: 1.5ms, 30ms, 210ms, and 1.68s

Three Reset Output Types:

 - Active-Low Push/Pull

 - Active-High Push/Pull

 - Active Low Open-Drain

Guaranteed Reset Valid to VCC = 0.55V (Active Low)

Manual Reset Input

Immune to Fast VCC Transients

5-pin SOT23 Package


The device is ideal for portable and battery-powered systems, embedded controllers, intelligent instruments, automotive systems, telecommunications equipment, networking equipment, computer workstations and serv

ers, critical CPU monitoring applications, and any low voltage application.

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关于 ams AG

ams AG is a multinational company that designs and manufactures advanced sensor solutions and analog ICs (integrated circuits). The company was founded in 1981 in Austria and has its headquarters in Premstaetten, Austria.

ams AG's product portfolio includes sensors for applications such as mobile devices, automotive, industrial automation, medical, and smart homes. The company also provides ICs for power management, wireless connectivity, and audio processing.

In recent years, ams AG has expanded its business through acquisitions of companies such as TAOS Inc., Heptagon, and Osram Licht AG, which have strengthened the company's expertise in optical sensing and lighting technologies.

ams AG is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and has a global presence with offices and production sites in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.




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