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VIPER22-LED-EV 数据表(PDF) 6 Page - STMicroelectronics |
VIPER22-LED-EV 数据表(HTML) 6 Page - STMicroelectronics |
6 / 21 page Pin connections and function VIPer22A-E, VIPer22ADIP-E, VIPer22AS-E 6/21 Doc ID 12050 Rev 2 3 Pin connections and function Figure 2. Pin connection Figure 3. Current and voltage conventions Table 10. Pin function Pin Name Pin function VDD Power supply of the control circuits. Also provides a charging current during start up thanks to a high voltage current source connected to the drain. For this purpose, an hysteresis comparator monitors the VDD voltage and provides two thresholds: - VDDon: Voltage value (typically 14.5 V) at which the device starts switching and turns off the start up current source. - VDDoff: Voltage value (typically 8 V) at which the device stops switching and turns on the start up current source. SOURCE Power MOSFET source and circuit ground reference. DRAIN Power MOSFET drain. Also used by the internal high voltage current source during start up phase for charging the external VDD capacitor. FB Feedback input. The useful voltage range extends from 0 V to 1 V, and defines the peak drain MOSFET current. The current limitation, which corresponds to the maximum drain current, is obtained for a FB pin shorted to the SOURCE pin. 1 2 3 4 DRAIN DRAIN DRAIN DRAIN 8 7 6 5 DRAIN DRAIN DRAIN DRAIN 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 FB VDD SOURCE FB VDD SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE SO-8 DIP-8 IDD ID IFB VDD VFB VD FB VDD DRAIN SOURCE CONTROL VIPer22A |
类似零件编号 - VIPER22-LED-EV |
类似说明 - VIPER22-LED-EV |
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